Category Archives: Deal Coaching

Card Programs That Create Memorable Fan Experiences

Erskine Financial Services specializes in transforming sports, affinity, and agent-bank credit cards into co-brand credit-card programs, and is working with a number of clients to bring fans and customers real experiences that reinforce their loyalty.

On a broader scale, Founder Hal Erskine helps banks, credit card networks, processors, and co-brand and affinity partners create or strengthen their card programs and generate new, profitable business.   Despite onerous regulatory oversight that has caused an aversion to any kind of risk, credit cards – done right – remain a profitable revenue stream that should either be taken off the back burner and allowed to grow…or they should be sold to allow the issuer to focus on other things.  We can help you do both.

Hal created Erskine Financial Services in 2014 after completing the sale (and flawless conversion) of PartnersFirst to First National Bank of Omaha.  He founded and managed PartnersFirst after 15 years at MBNA America and Bank of America Card Services, and brings the lessons learned from his experiences at all three companies to his clients.

Erskine brings CEO-level, present-day experience to credit-card consulting, offering a hands-on perspective (and affordable pricing structure) that few other consultants can offer at a time when regulatory scrutiny and risk concerns have rarely been higher. Erskine Financial Services is focusing on strategic planning and execution (including card marketing and business plans); portfolio growth and optimization; and deal coaching.

The value Hal offers his clients is simple:

  • Assessment of deal strengths and weaknesses.
  • Relationships with partners that will help you achieve your goals.
  • Understanding of ALL the minefields that are out there, and how to avoid or overcome them.
  • Ability to connect the dots and see trends and opportunities that others don’t.

Hal Erskine launches credit-card consulting services

Erskine Financial Services helps banks, credit card networks, processors, and co-brand and affinity partners create or strengthen their card programs and generate new, profitable business.   Despite onerous regulatory oversight that has caused an aversion to any kind of risk, credit cards – done right – remain a profitable revenue stream that should either be taken off the back burner and allowed to grow…or they should be sold to allow the issuer to focus on other things.  We can help you do both.

Hal Erskine

Hal Erskine

Hal Erskine created Erskine Financial Services after completing the sale (and flawless conversion) of PartnersFirst to First National Bank of Omaha.  He founded and managed PartnersFirst after 15 years at MBNA America and Bank of America Card Services, and is now bringing the lessons learned from his experiences at all three companies to his clients.

Erskine brings CEO-level, present-day experience to credit-card consulting, offering a hands-on perspective (and affordable pricing structure) that few other consultants can offer in 2014, a time when regulatory scrutiny and risk concerns have rarely been higher. Where others in the industry warn that Affinity is Dying, we believe there has never been a better time for issuers and co-brand/affinity partners to dip their toes back in the water.

Erskine Financial Services is focusing on strategic planning and execution (including card marketing and business plans); portfolio growth and optimization; and deal coaching.

The value Hal offers his clients is simple:

  • Assessment of deal strengths and weaknesses.
  • Relationships with partners that I can bring to the table to help you achieve your goals.
  • Understanding of ALL the minefields that are out there, and how to avoid or overcome them.
  • Ability to connect the dots and see trends and opportunities that others don’t.